Who is THRIVE Mommy for?

·       Any Mom!

·       Are you feeling stagnant, unfulfilled, or lost in motherhood?

·       Do you simply want to spend 5 weeks of intentional time discovering more about yourself?

·       THRIVE Mommy is for you!

What will I receive from this Group Coaching Program?

·  5  facilitator-led coaching sessions with up to 12 moms

·  THRIVE Mommy Self-Love box (includes THRIVE Guided Journal, Pen, Eye cover, Fuzzy socks, Handmade lavender soap)

·       Access to group chat

What results should I expect?

·       Leave the program with deeper understanding of your identity

·       A plan to implement changes necessary for your desired life

·       Tools to help you continue your fulfilled life journey

·       Connection to a full network of moms with the THRIVE Mommy mindset

·       A rhythm of spending intentional time in the presence of God

Take your free “Lost in Motherhood” symptom quiz today!

It’s Your Time to THRIVE Mommy!

The next 5 weeks could change your life as you take the journey to “Discover Your Identity in Motherhood.” Sign up for the THRIVE Mommy group coaching program. Now booking for cohorts 2 & 3. Click the “Secure your Spot” button below to see the dates or be placed on the waiting list for future cohorts.

Investment in yourself is $175

The THRIVE Mommy program is designed that each week builds on the one before, and will ultimately assist you in 

“Discovering your Identity in Motherhood.”

Week 1

Program Awarness session 

Week 2

Who am I?

Week 3

What Impact will you have on your children and them on you?

Week 4

Signs that I’m Losing myself in Motherhood

Week 5

Gearing up for the journey

Self-Led THRIVE Mommy Items

THRIVE Mommy E-Journal


THRIVE Mommy Printed Journal

Available on Amazon

Price: $14.95

THRIVE Mommy Self-Love Box

Price: $35.00